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Being a #Millennial in the Teaching World

Often times, we think about teaching through the chalkboard/dry-erase board method. And guess what? It was boring then and it is still boring now. Most people feel that we should not reinvent the wheel so we keep on lecturing like nothing has changed. Again, it is still boring.

As a #Millennial, I have worked hard to introduce instruction through BlackBoard Collaborate, Camtasia Studio, The LightBoard, and instructional videos that are provide lively instruction. I want my students to learn so I have to appeal to the way that they learn. Most students are visual learners so I have to prepare videos that will help them to learn the concept in 3-5 minutes (due to their attention span and my attention span). Overall, teaching can be rewarding but you have to find ways to make it interactive for students.

Enjoy this video that uses The Lightboard for instruction:

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